Customizing Your DashboardHC to Quickly View Key Insights
Configuring your dashboard is extremely easy and allows for quick, specific insights on individual buildings. There are two ways to create customized dashboards:
Create a Dashboard from Your Home Screen
When you are viewing your dashboard, you will see a drop-down menu at the top right of your screen. If you haven’t configured this yet, you should see “Active” in the drop-down box.
Click on the down arrow and select the specific building you wish to view. Once selected, you will see your DashboardHC page working on populating this individual data. After a few seconds, you will be viewing data related to the building you selected!
Create Dashboard from the Left-Hand Column of Your Screen
Another way to achieve this is on the left-hand side of your screen within the blue, DashboardHC column. Towards the bottom, in the darker blue section, you will see “Create Dashboard”. Once you click on the + button, a pop-out screen will appear on the right-hand side of your dashboard. You will be able to select a specific building, as well as a default date. Once you have selected these categories, hit save. The new dashboard will then appear in the lighter blue portion of the DashboardHC column on the left.
Configuring your dashboards makes it easy to gain insights on any particular building at any given time. For additional assistance with this, feel free to email us at [email protected].